Rev. Anthony Kuzniewski, S.J., professor of history at Holy Cross, in purple, stands in front of the Holy Cross sign with members of the Scout troop of his home parish, Mother of Good Counsel in Milwaukee. Every few years, the older scouts and leaders from the Scout troop stop at the College for two nights. This year, they stayed in Lehy Hall and breakfasted with the basketball and football campers who were here at the same time. “This was part of a two-week High Adventure trip that included stops at parks in Quebec, New Brunswick, and Maine, including stops at Quebec City, the Bay of Fundy, and Acadia National Park,” says Fr. Kuzniewski. “The first evening, we had dinner at Dino’s; the second day, I took them on a campus tour, followed by a trip to Boston for Old Ironsides and the Freedom Trail. As a youth, I was an active member of this Scout troop, both as an Eagle Scout and later as a leader. I am still registered with them, and will be celebrating Mass with them in July at summer camp in the north woods of Wisconsin. I enjoyed their visit and the contact with them very much.”